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Author: Admin ADSA

Vale Mr Robert Vojakovic AM JP 1940-2024 – A Lifetime Supporting Workers

Vale Mr Robert Vojakovic AM JP 1940-2024 – A Lifetime Supporting Workers

Our beloved founder and President Robert Vojakovic AM JP passed away June 27 2024. All those who found themselves in Robert’s office were treated like a long-lost friend sharing glasses of Croatian brandy or strong coffee while he listened to their stories and offered support and a chance to fight back against the companies that shattered their lives. You can’t talk about Robert without mentioning Rose Marie or his children Melita and Simone who were by his side growing up throughout the 50 years of his dedicated service to others.

Workers, their families and West Australians have lost a great champion. Supported by his wife Rose Marie, Committee & dedicated staff he campaigned for justice, compensation, medical treatment and provided selfless care for those suffering from asbestos and other dust diseases. Undeterred Robert took on the Giant CSR and won, James Hardie and many other negligent employers. Working with some caring and sympathetic politicians, lawyers and the might of Union Movement supporting his legal vision of equity and justice for workers, Robert was able to even the playing field for workers facing powerful employers putting profit before safety.

We invite you to share your thoughts and stories with us. Details will be advised of Roberts service when known.

VALE Robert and our deepest sympathy to Rose Marie, Melita and Simone.